Dear Matrika,
Namaste my dear friend!
Sanchaai chha??
Hope all's well with you, your beautiful wife and comedian of a son! Haha!
I'm sorry I didn't write sooner, but it's taken me a full week to deal with the fact that I am no longer in Nepal... I miss your beautiful country sooooo much!!! I cannot thank you enough for giving me the fabulous opportunity to work with VSSN!!! From day one, I felt completely safe and well looked after by not only yourself.. but also Urmila, the lovely language instructor/tour guide, Raj and the boys at Millenium and Mr. Dev the trusty driver!!! Not to mention the hilarious Badri, who I will always remember as the 'lady landmark' guy. Haha.
I am missing my gorgeous Newari family, the Maharjans, in Chapagaun so much!!! I miss speaking Nepali with them.. and learning a bit of the Newari dialect too!!! They treated me like a real family member and they certainly kept me well-fed everyday!!! I have serious cravings for daal, bhaat and thakari!!! Oh and roti too! And veg momo! Oh my gosh and the chiya!!! I miss my cups of chiya daily... I couldn't have asked for a better family to stay with.. not only were they incredibly accommodating, but they were genuinely warm and interested in learning about my background and country, family etc. As far as I'm concerned, they are now a part of my extended family. They are my Nepali connection:)
As for the kids and teaching staff at Emerald English School.. I just don't know where to start. 'JB', the animated and wonderfully caring Principal at Emerald School is doing an amazing job with the school and I felt his passion for reaching out to the needy and teaching the young the necessary skills they'll need to survive in later life. I thoroughly enjoyed teaching English Literature and Grammar to all ages and levels.... all of the classes were super-active and always participated in our lessons:) They were so funny, charming and so engaging... that it's been hard coming back to my teaching job here in Japan, where some of the kids aren't half as active as the Nepali kids!!! I tell you what, these Japanese kids could learn A LOT from the beautiful wee souls in Nepal!!! The teachers were so friendly and extended a helping hand to me outside of school, which was greatly appreciated:) I got to try on the traditional Newari dress and had meals at various teacher's homes. They even bought me gifts, as I celebrated my birthday the day before I left Chapagaun. Please give them all my love next time you visit Emerald School! I will send them emails and photos asap too!!!
Getting to visit a local Orphanage was also a highlight of my time there. The sweet little kids who are learning there, were so adorable and I loved playing with them!!! Here's hoping they'll continue to do well with their studies there:)
All in all, my experiences as a Volunteer in Nepal were above and beyond anything I could've anticipated!!! My time in Chapagaun will forever remain in my heart as one of the most fulfilling and rewarding experiences ever!!! The warmth, genuine loving nature and unrivalled hospitality of the Nepali people whereever I went will always be appreciated and never be forgotten:)
DHANYABAAD a million times over to your superb professionalism Matrika, the fantastic team at VSSN, and related associations who contribute daily to improving the lives of the Nepali people!!!
NEPAL DHERAI MAN PARCHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll be back sooner than you think!!! Haha!
Much love and hugs,
Perise, Email: peribaby@hotmail.com (Join in facebook to see pictures)